so short form (well, as short as i can get) - the grandma that i originally went out to visit in the hospital was doing well, but the day she was released, my other grandma fainted for the second time in 5 days, so we took her to the hospital. she shouldn't really be on her own at the moment, but the hospital sent her home after one night because they needed the bed and because my uncle was supposed to stay with her, but then he decided that she was fine and went back to work, so i've come back out here to stay with her for a few weeks. i'm the oldest in my family, and the oldest grandchild on both sides, so care often falls to me, and given my health stuff and my disability status, everything thinks i'm free to handle it, whether it's true or not!
my dad and i were supposed to come out together, but he was stuck way up north in a mining camp where the satellite phone costs $12.50 a minute for over a week, so i had to wait for him. the roads were terrible, it was storming, the friend he was with had to be taken by ambulance to the closest hospital, 10 or 15 hours away (very very remote!), andf it was generally a giant pain in the ass. they finally made it home on friday, thank goodness, and after a few days of scrambling to get things done, we left home and headed out east.
in addition to all of the above, i'd also had a plumbing nightmare which no one in the building seemed to know what to do about, and the guy who lives above me refused to stop using his kitchen pipes because it wasn't "his problem", so one day he ran his dishwasher and flooded my kitchen purposely. so then i had to empty out my entire kitchen before i left, including furniture, and find room elsewhere in my apartment for my refrigerator, because my kitchen floor has to all be pulled up, "biowashed", whatever that means, and relaid while i'm away.
ao basically, i've been super stressed for weeks now, and i'm massively behind on a million things. i had my Trim the Tree Swap ornaments finished before the deadline, but didn't manage to mail them until they were a week late. (but they're mailed now!! yay!!) i have the potholder swap between VMQG and FVMQG to start and finish asap, and i'm behind on my blocks for the Unscripted bee, as well as lots of other little projects (like Habitat, which is totally late). i haven't caught up on blogs in ages, and i have tons of e-mails and messages to respond to. i tried to switch over to the e-mail client on my laptop, since i have it with me here, but for some reason it'll receive e-mails but can't send them, but i'm going to ignore that issue for the night!
but would you like to see something i've been working on? since this is supposed to be WIP Wednesday, not Whining Wednesday?

i started working on these at the beginning of our trip, and by the time i arrived tonight, i had 35 done. slow, yes, but i slept a lot on the way out here too! i printed out a few sheets of hexagon templates before i left, (from the first link on this page) and have been puttering away. i'm not sure if i have too many or too few, but i'll start laying them out tomorrow and i'll figure that out then. for now, i'm just admiring the little pile i here beside me, with their cfrisp little folds and corners. aren't they pretty?
i'm linking up to WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced, and hopefully tommorrow the neightbours wifi will be strong enough to let me check out some of the others!

haha, I love it that you are poaching the neighbour's wifi to read blogs Amy. I'm sorry to hear about your other grandma not being well now. I hope that your visit cheers her and lets her get well.
Take care of yourself, too. Hex, hex, hex. See you when you get back (to your nice new kitchen floor). Stupid upstairs neighbour.
Love the colors of your hexies (especially the polka dot ones). :)
wow!!! Good luck with everything. The sewing can wait, as always. Hard to remember that, for me at least. Thanks for the recipe tip!
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