(Sew Mama Sew is facilitating hundreds of giveaways, you definitely have to go check it out. they have six separate lists, Handmade for the Home, Handmade Baby + Kid Items, Handmade Bags, Handmade Accessories, Sewing Supplies, and Other Craft Supplies (Non-Sewing). all the lists are organized with giveaways that allow international shipping first, and giveaways that are host country-only shipping second, which is super handy for those of us who aren't in the US.)
so hi! if you’re a new visitor, welcome, if you’re a regular reader, you already know that you’re loved, don’t you? but welcome to you too, in case you were wondering.
i’m amy dame, and this is glitter, vinyl and thread. i’ve contemplated changing the name, since i haven’t worked with vinyl in a while now, but who knows, i might find time to get back to it one day. besides, i hate thinking of names, i’m terrible at it. new guests and regular visitors might like to check out my "about me" page, over there on the right. it's kinda long, so feel free to skim. i tend to babble.
i do a lot of different things, but for the past year and a half, i’ve been obsessed with quilting. i’m on the exec for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild, and a member of the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild, and i love it! i also do hand and machine embroidery, make clothing, and occasionally do more art focused pieces. i've been blogging here for more than 4 years now.
i also think it’s awesome that the Sew Mama Sew giveaways didn’t have to start on monday, because i’m obviously late. that’s really no surprise, but i have an excuse this time!
i’m away from home, again, halfway across the country, hanging out with my grandma. she’s been having some health issues, and shouldn’t really be alone, so i’ve spent much of the past 6 weeks here.
my sewing time has been limited, and my internet time has been even more so, so i totally forgot about the giveaway until blog posts started appearing in my inbox yesterday morning. i contemplated skipping it, but really, what’s the fun in that?
so i decided to sew up a set of coasters, which was the perfect excuse to use this kickass Alexander Henry xmas print that i picked up last month. i made a set of these last week for a swap, and when i made this set, i took a whole bunch of pictures, thinking that i might do a tutorial for them....
if you're interested. would you be interested in a tutorial? i guess you have to see what they look like before you decide, huh?

like 'em?
here's an action shot.

(disclaimer - the winner doesn't get my grandma's christmas mug, that was just a prop. you probably didn't want it anyway, but just in case...)

there are 6 hexagon shaped coasters. they each have a red linen hexie appliqued on the top, and cotton quilt batting to protect your furniture.

the backs are made up of the red linen, the green owl fabric, and a darker red Kona cotton.

wanna win them?
here's the rules!
* this giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY! yay!
* you must post a comment on this thread to enter.
* the winner will be chosen via random generator, though i'll give you fair warning - if your comment is just something along the lines of "pick me!", the random generator might be chosing a different winner... cause that's boring. i know you're going to hundreds of blogs, but half the fun is looking around a bit!
* you don't have to become a follower or tweet or anything fancy like that to enter (though you could become a follower if you wanted to! or sign up for the handy-dandy e-mail feed! check back soon for another version of the coasters, and another giveaway for my birthday next week!)
* if you're participating in the Giveaway Day/Week and doing a giveaway yourself, leave me a second comment with a link to your giveaway. you get two entries because you're special!! yay!
* the giveaway is open until december 16 at 5pm PST
(the rules are almost exactly the same as the last giveaway, cause that worked!)
that's it! same as last time, leave me a comment about something fun... tell me what your last project was, tell me what you listen to while you're sewing/quilting/crafting/creating. tell me what you're excited about making next, what awesome book you just read, what new blog you just discovered, or what new fabric line you can't wait to order. tell me if you'd like a tutorial for the coasters! tell me what else you'd like to see a tutorial for. tell me something that'll make me glad that you stopped by. ;)
good luck!

I totally LOVE those coasters and I don't currently have any Christmas coasters, so these would be awesome for my coffee table!!!! I'm most excited about clearing all the piles of fabric OFF my sewing table and putting them into the new (old) cabinet my friend just gave me for my sewing room. I love my friends. They know just what I need. Like coasters.
Yes please on the tute. I am hexy-impaired.
Thanks for the giveaway. Those coaster are cuter. Love the colours
Those owls are stinkin' cute! I'd like to work with linen for quilty things. I also love Hideaway. And were those quilled hearts? I've never done a hexagon in fabric so many angles and precise cutting. Please do tell how you did it.
yay! for coasters! I'm 1/2 Korean, but I don't speak a lick of it (well, I can call you a stupid dog's butt, though it's not grammatically correct the way I say it - the whole inflected language thing). I just started sewing recently and, for some reason totally beyond me (not actually, it's all my baby's fault; she's almost 9 months old & has me wanting to channel me ma or something, very weird) I decided to try watching a k-drama (that's Korean drama, oh yeah, it's a real thing) since there's a bunch on Hulu for free right now. It's subtitled. It had me at Annyong. I'm totally addicted to one now - it's currently my prime crafting companion.
In short, I watch/listen to k-drama while crafting :)
You must have known that I adore owls! My nickname in scholl was owl..guess why....laugh...
Oh please let me win the coasters...
Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
Kind regards from Germany.
I am so glad you whipped these up. I am obsessed with owls. I also love all things holiday realted, so what could be better!! I hope your grandma gets well soon.
They are great would love to win them.
Also, I love owls, as you can see by the giveaway at by blog!http://arslongavitabrevisblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/giveaway-day.html
They are adorable and yes, I'd love a tutorial, just in case I don't win them. =) Thank you for the lovely offering.
I really need more everyday items that are Christmas-themed and this would be the perfect way to start! The coasters are adorable and I, too, love the fabric you chose. Thanks for the chance to win them!
Crazy cute coasters, thanks for the chance to win :)
My last project... HAH !! I've been a sewiing machine the last month, I guess my last projects have been a slew of make up brush clutches (in my Giveaway but that's for another comment :) ) and double oven mitt sets. My next project is a pillow for my 8 y/o's BFF, a picture of the 2 of them printed on fabric and then patchworked around the sides, with an envelope back in minkee to make it cuddly and washable :)
Thanks for the chance to win your coasters :)
Cuz I'm special and all that Jazz... your words not mine :) Here's my 2nd comment and an ivitation to come on ob=ver to my blog and see if you can win a Make-up brush clutch in my giveaway. GoodLuck !!!
As soon as a saw these, I let out an AWWWWWW! I love the sweet hooty hoots! These are too cute to put drinks on, what if something spill on them, YIKES!! I'll have to set my drink beside them. Thanks for a GREAT giveaway!!
beautiful hexies. i love them. thank you imisswaylon@Hotmail.com
Too cute! I love owls. Thanks for the chance!!
i would love to see a tutorial.
I love your name, amy Dame.
Hi and greetings from Boston! What's on my mind today is that I only have TWO MORE DAYS left of work before I get to go on vacation...and finally get going on all my Christmas sewing! The coasters are great, and who doesn't like a good tutorial???
And I'm hosting a giveaway as well -- pop on by if you'd like to win a little sheep :)
I love those owls! And I love drinking...so, perfect mix!
Thank you for the opportunity!! Those coaster are exactly what I need. I just recently acquired a beautiful vintage Danish Modern dining room table and I need coasters for all of my glasses!!
I am hosting a giveaway, also! Please stop by and say hello!! http://helenethelstudio.blogspot.com/2011/12/glass-resin-pendant-giveaway.html
These are sooo cute Amy!! And golly I am so behind in my christmas presents making, but I am looking forward to finishing a quilt for my brother & his fam of my own design- they are all skiiers, so I did wavy line blocks in shades of blue on white, like ski tracks, then am going to quilt it - or quilt the crap out of it Amy style!- with wavy lines and snowflakes swirling around. Then I have another to get done for my parents, I ordered an fq set of Lark by Amy Butler for that. And I have another fq set of Restoration just for me, I'm keeping it as a reward for making all these gifts!
I love listening to cuban and latin music when I sew. Or 80's, or a mix of things- acid jazz, (like stuff you'd hear at Wazubee(are they even around anymore?), retro stuff, you name it, other than rap or country and I'll usually like it!
And the fabric line I am waiting for is mine! LOL! April come on and hurry up and get here already!! The wait is brutal lol!
Thanks for doing such a great giveaway!!
These are the best looking coasters I've seen so far in these giveaways. I love to bake and I just got myself a Kitchenaid mixer, the big one with the 6 qt drop bowl! So between nursing my 2 month old, chasing my 4 yr old and keeping the house in order, I've been playing with my new toy!
And let your Grandma know that I hope she feels better soon. And take care of yourself!
I love the coasters! I'd love a tute for them too. That owlie fabric is adorable! I just finished up a gathering apron last night! One more last minute gift to go!
What great coasters! I'd like to see a tutorial. I've been struggling to sew a coaster for my son but I think my sewing machine died. At least it isn't sewing. I don't want to sew by hand! But I guess I might have to if I want to get it finished. Where exactly is half way across Canada? I hope your grandmother feels well soon.
Love being new at trying to enter conests. I am not computer/blog savvy!!
Your Owl Christmas Coasters are so cute. The fabric and design quite original.
The last sewing/craft type project I did was a big carry all bag for my daughter's birthday. I just kind of made a giant square bag, lined it and then found directions on how to make rounded corners into a flat bottom square. She loves it and has used on a couple trips!!
As for other crafts, I love to knit, knit, knit!!! So much so, that I now have to rest my hands for a while. Boo Hoo. So back to sewing clothing and learning new alteration techniques...
I adore these coasters! I HOPE I WIN!!
Very cute coasters!
And I love your name... :)
I love these coasters! I love that they're not just a square - the hexagon shape is so much more fun. I'd love to see a tutorial if you'd make one. :)
I'm hosting a giveaway - I'm giving away some fabric and some fabric button pushpins:
The coasters are cute. I am following you now so that I can get the tutorial. I have recently done some lovely machine applique using a lovely book called "Freya and Fred" by Janet Clare. I am now wanting to make the ABC quilt from the book. i also want to be brave enough to try dressmaking!
OMG how sweet! I have never seen anything like these before. I am sure you know that just about everyone always wants mor Christmasy items, well at least I do. Every year when the holidays are over there is at least one more blt than the year before to put away. Thanks for the chance to win. I am going to follow you in hopes you make a tute for these!
I like to listen to big band music while I craft :)
love the coasters!
I love your action shot! Here's a random comment, I took my daughter to see Santa and when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said "a horny corn" Translation: Unicorn. Hope you have a great day
I would love to have these coasters, I would like to see a tutorial (because I always seem to make too big a deal with my own coasters and there has to be a better way), and I bookmarked your blog so I will return. I am not doing a giveaway this time around because my dastardly pipes have created a ghastly mess in the living room ceiling and the painters and plasterers have been here for a week but you are always welcome to visit my blog...when I manage to post.
Adore!! You're talented Amy!!
Those are so adorable!! I have a handmade coffee table I received from a family friend as a wedding present, and I am obsessed with keeping it in mint condition, so I can never have too many coasters! I'm from Calgary - nice to meet a fellow Canadian! :)
why yes, i would like a tutorial for your coasters!
i'm making fabric houses from the Scandinavian Stitches book-they are adorable! i've been listening to joni mitchell while machine sewing, then hand sewing them with repeats of project runway!
have you read The Glass Castle? it's one of my faves.
thanks for the giveaway!!
Oh my goodness, I love owls and I love christmas so these are right up my alley! :) I just got my first ever sewing machine a few weeks ago and am slowly teaching myself everything I need to know - lots of trial and error but that's what makes it fun. I would love a tutorial for these!
Thanks so much for the chance to win and have a Merry Christmas!
These are adorable Amy! I would love to win them. I'm always making stuff for others and never for myself, and you know how others never make stuff for *me* because "you're so good at it!" So I have next to nothing handmade for Christmas. So .... pick me, pick me! ☺
OMG! Best! Coasters! Ever! Crazy awesome hexes and owls. Can you be any more awesome than that? I think not! Off to explore your blog more. Yeah! Glad I found you! Isn't giveaway day (I mean week) fabulous!?!?!?
I would love a tutorial for the coasters!! even if I was lucky enough to win them!
My current favourite fabric line is 'Echo' by Lotta Jansdotter - I'm also looking forward to Malka's first fabric line(I think it's called 'A Stitch in Color')
Awesome coasters! One of my first sewing projects was making coasters myself, sadly I failed to facter in the seam allowance - mine on ly work for sherry glasses now!
Thanks for the giveaway, amd off to explore some of your tutorials now, they look to have plenty of detail - perfect!
Tutorials are always fun!
I am currently listening to Christmas music while I sew - I think I am starting to drive my husband crazy, poor guy!!
I love your coasters, super cute.
Ok I will send you to a site for you to draw, or better yet for me my kiddos can draw. See I am still crafting at full throttle but will not get done before they get off of school on friday. It is hard to craft infront of them and do it in secrete. So I will send them to this website to play. Hope you try it too... some people who visit it are oh so creative!!!!
And here is some sites to make snowflakes! On line that is.
and this snow flakes online you will be able to enter and see yours you made and ones that everyone else around the world made!
Have fun!!!
And here is a site for mommas,so super cute.
As for what i listen to while I craft It s the kiddos, I have 6.
Have fun crafting and thank you for your giveaway!!
Amy, I don't need coasters seeing as you all ready made the that wonderful set, but I would LOVE a tutorial to make them!
I wouldn't mind having your Grandmother's mug! Your coasters are too cute! I would like a tutorial, as well.
Love this,owls and colors,perfect,thanks for chance to win it.My all time love is crochet and lately I'm all in ornaments,enjoying it so much.
Happy holidays!!
I just finished reading a book called A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. She was abducted for 18 years. Pretty powerful stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!!
nancebagance at yahoo dot ca
The coasters are lovely and would look festive in our familyroom!
Elaine R
Yes, I would love to have a tutorial for those coasters! I think it is fun to have owls for Christmas, instead of only for Halloween. Something fun . . . my best friend from high school, who lives 8 hours away, just surprised me with a lunchtime visit!
Oh, you are so right about those "pick me" comments... ;) I have had some of them in the past, too -- or even bloggers trying to sneak a second chance by signing up with a different blog identity. Hah! Anyway, you would like to read something interesting, huh? My list of Top Ten reads in 2011 will be posted early in 2012 -- just in case you need some book recommendations. "A Discovery Of Witches" will definitely end up on the list. If you haven't read that novel yet, I can only recommend it. :)
Oh, and -- the coasters are awesome. Plus I love owls. I can almost see them on my table -- and not just during the holidays. :)
Have a magical Christmas!
Greetings from Germany,
These are so cute; I love owls. Thanks for the giveaway!
kessilari(at)gmail (dot) com
Your coasters are just adorable. I love the little owls on them. Nice job on them too.
What an awesome giveaway Amy. You rock. And even if I'm not the lucky girl (but maybe I will be, fingers crossed) I'd love a tutorial.
Hi there! :) This weekend I am going to make a Sugar Plum Fairy doll for my daughter; I'm a little nervous, as this is my first time making a doll - but I bought a rad pattern, so *fingers crossed* that I can pull this off! ;)
So cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm loving this shape - hexagons are popular now! I have hexagon table runners in my living room now that my mom made.
Cute coasters! I love the owl fabric. I've never tried hexagons before, a tutorial would be fabulous.
Beautiful coasters! Thanks for the chance. I am looking forward to learning how to knit socks after the holidays. I already have a pattern, the yarn and my needles and finally the determination to do it! I recently finished a lace shawl and that came out beautiful and it was my first attempt at knitting lace...so why not socks!
these coasters are beautiful! I'd love a tutorial!
the most recent thing I've made is the sew spoiled cosmetic case.
needlegrrl at gmail
I love to read and am currently reading Sarah's Key. I highly recommend it.
At the moment i'm making aprons for preschoolers as Christmas gifts. They're so cute and useful! i'm pretty excited about giving them to my friends kids!
right now the Christmas cactus in my sewing/laundry room is in bloom to keep me company (somehow, laundry seems to happen more frequently than sewing...). thank you for the giveaway.
My last project was sewing three totes for my parents and siblings for Christmas. i listen to the gentle whirring of my sewing machine when I sew - and listen for the baby waking up...
I love my sewing machine.
Love your "about me" section!
Tell me about gender roles... Bah! Having a gripe with it right now. You can read about it in my latest blog post.
I just made a simple wrap bag today and a crayon roll, as christmas presents.
I listen to the soundtrack of "where the wild things are", you should try it, very cool, although there is a lot of shouting there, and it can be stressful if you are not in the mood.
I am excited about making a sailor outfit for my boy. Crisp!
Your coasters are great and you should post a tutorial. I liked the tutorial you did for the draft stopper.
My story: I once had 7 cats. My roommate and I actually had 4 cats then made the mistake of going cat shopping with another friend who was looking for a new kitty. We ended up finding 2 for ourselves. So we had 2 blue russians and 4 blk & wht tuxedos.
Several months later our cats started acting very strange for about 3 days and the baby blue russian's appetite went through the roof and he was always at the food bowl. One night we suddenly looked up and found TWO baby blue russians that were clones. All we could figure out was that one had snuck into the house one morning when my roommate was getting the newspaper and was hiding when all the other cats were out and about. We never found the owner so he became ours.
So we were officially crazy cat ladies! But no longer. We lost one to illness, then my roommate moved out and took 3 with her to Ohio, over the years I lost 2 of my 3 to illness and old age. So now I'm just a crazy quilt lady who has 1 cat, who's a beauty, a blk & wht tuxedo, named Shakespeare!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Pick me.
Oh yeah, I was supposed to write something more interesting. I'll tell you something that happened to me today. We have metal coasters. Despite occasionally attempting to make a small effort at cleaning, the kitchen counter was sticky. The coaster was stuck don so hard that I had to apply a significant amount of elbow grease to remove said coaster.
So I need to win your giveaway so I can retire those coasters.
I would love to make some coaster so my mugs could stay warm.. susanasaw@yahoo.com
I love these coasters and I'd love to see a tutorial on how to make them. They look like the perfect gift for people who are hard to shop for!
These coasters are adorable. I would love it if you shared a tutorial. Glad you belong to both MGs in the LM!
I HEART your coasters and think a tut is a great idea. Sorry to hear about your grandma. She is blessed to have you looking after her. I was also looking after an aunt in October and November (surgery and recovery) that put a serious dent in my Christmas hand made schedule. i am trying to catch up. Priorities. Thank you for the awesome give away.
skowens (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I've always disliked coasters, but as I bought a new table and wanted to protect it, I started realizing how useful they are. And yours are really nice. Thank you!
What's the difference between snow men and snow women??
Snow balls!!
I think your coasters are fab, and I would follow a tutorial, and I think I'll follow you.
I'm participating in this give away lark too, want to come over and say hi??
i would so very much love those coasters. my children could learn not to place their glassed to much on the tables edge!
These coasters are so cute. I'm totally OBSESSED with owls! I would love a tutorial on this.
I love the coasters, and I love hexies! I'd love a tutorial
How did you know how much I love owls? Owls and mushrooms...can't get enough of them. That bowl carrier thingy is rad, btw. I love all kinds of tutorials...especially for stuff I never thought of. Oh, and I like to listen to books on tape when I'm sewing. Merry Christmas!
They are the sweetest! I have this thing for owls... but it looks like I'm not the only one! :)
I'm excited about making baby items for my first grandchild.
I would love a tutorial on making these coasters.
love the colors and shape, very pretty!
My two year old loves owl, I actually made him a stuffed one for Christmas! The coasters are super cute. Thanks for the giveaway!
mindfulhome at gmail dot com
What lovely coasters! :)
I just finished up some play mats for my niece and her cousin (very fun to add all of the little details to the farm, jungle and ocean themes). Hope you have a merry Christmas!
I have been busy making christmas gifts so multiple items on the go at once....These coasters are just the cutest, thank you for being so generous!
First off, Would LOVE a tutorial on these little guys! Secondly, if I win I'm going to be in such a dilemma. My husband is actually going to want to use them as coasters. As his condensating sweaty glass nears the coaster, but still in midair, the scream starts in my heart and passes any holds barred at the tongue or brain, and I scream, "DONT USE THE COASTERS". Insert picture of my hubby with deer in headlight confusion, and picture one less gift under the tree address to me, because Santa has rule of inside voices only! Ahhh nuts! Love these gems! Too cute to use though. But perfect for the giveaway!
I love owls and would love these coasters!
Love the coasters! I really want to get up the courage to start my very first quilt next year! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
These are cute!
Hmmm.. recently I've been really into crochet. I usually get my chance to during my sons nap. I like to listen to/watch old shows on Hulu while crocheting. Most recently I was on a Mary Tyler Moore kick.. now it's on to The Bob Newhart Show. :)
I would love a tutorial for those coasters. My husband is in love with Hexagon anything, and making him one (or more) would be fabulous.
I am currently working on finishing 7 (SEVEN!) plush owls that I designed, as they're all Christmas presents. I have 9 (only nine?!?!) days to go. Ack!
chibidani at gmail dot com
This is an awesome set of coasters! I love the shape of hexagons, but I don't particularly enjoy sewing them! I think my favorite part is that the back has two shades of red and a bit of the owl print, but the proportions of each are different.
Thanks for offering these!
I'm all for simple sewing projects--I have an ample supply of fabric, but no time with a baby in the house! I'll need to ease back into crafting. Someday I hope to get to those quilt tops in a bin in the closet!
sigh....I wrote a nice little entry and it appears to have been eaten by the internet gods. I'll try again, but it won't be as good. Just sayin'.
I almost didn't enter when I noticed that Grandma's mug wasn't part of the deal. But that glittery gold and red background changed my mind. I thought 'wow, I could put these on glitter backgrounds at my house and they would look gorgeous!' (okay, it's true, they are gorgeous without it. But still. So I'm entering. (and I'll understand if you delete, if I did somehow post twice ;)
Sweet for a second entry for being a giveaway-er too- thanks for this Amy!! You rock!
you know, there are 6 of us in my family, me, dh and 4 kiddies, so we could all fill up some mugs with cocoa and use some rockin new xmas coasters and get all christmas-y, yeah??? Seriously though, these are super cute and I could not make them as I am inept with a sewing machine! Thx for the chance to win!
So cute! thanks!
The last project that I did was a stocking for the prudent baby contest, you can see my entry here!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Cute coasters! Right now I am behind schedule with my boys Solstice pjs and every time I have time to start them the sun is down and I can't tape them to the window to trace them. I think there may be irony in not being able to make jammies for a celebration of light because I have no light...:)
I am hosting a giveaway too! Three cute wallets, your choice. Check it out here: www.scarletteandcinnamon.blogspot.com
Cute, I would love to win!
Those are seriously cute coasters. Not only that? I love the back as much as I love the front.
I have to admit, though, that in my house, it is rare to find a horizontal surface that is both clear and nice enough to need coasters.
Maybe that was TMI?
Those coasters are adorable and would go perfectly with the table topper I made for my son. It too is a hexagon and has some Christmas owl fabric. Thanks for the chance.
Such great work! thanks for the giveaway. I finished a picnic quilt for my sis for the holidays and now want to make another one for my daughter! thanks!
The coasters are super cute! I would want that mug since it has Holly on it, but I get that it's a prop :)
Those are some darn cute coasters and I was just thinking I could use some. I want to wish you happy birthday now, just in case I miss it next week.
I am participating in the SMS giveaway
The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such
I am severely lacking in anything remotely resembling coasters so this giveaway is a must to enter! These are just adorable and would brighten the house considerably. Also there's another reason... please see next comment! lol
And HERE'S a link to my very own owly goodness giveaway! http://eveningsongink.blogspot.com/2011/12/its-time-for-giveaway.html Apparently great mind love owls ;P
Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful coasters.
Your coasters are adorable!
I like to listen to audiobooks while crafting. I'm in the middle of the Harry Potter ones (Order of the Phoenix) and they're great. I've read the books but this is a whole new experience. I get to enjoy a good story and craft at the same time.
Who who who loves owls? I do! :o) Also, I am really liking your tutorial for the draft dodger. I have been hesitant on making one like all the rest (filled with something that could potentially make a mess.) Gonnna have to try that one! :o)
adorable!! I would love to have these for my house.
You have a fun blog and great pinterest boards, count me as one of your new followers. :-)
I'm in the middle of making Zippy Strippy purses for several friends and family members. It's more time-consuming that I thought, but he finished product is nice.
I love those! I've been making sets of place mats for Christmas, but those would have been so much faster (not to self - chooses smaller projects for gift-giving)!
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
I'd love to win those coaster for my mom. She uses coasters all the time. My furniture isn't worth protecting.
And I'm doing a giveaway too.
am I too late? I would love to know how to make these.. my girls could probably help me. Lovely!
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