the last week has been fairly crazy, frantically trying to finish my last piece for the altered ancestor swap, my last chunky 4x4 page, 6 atcs, a small gift, and 6 dotee dolls, all mixed in with what felt like a million dr's appointments (the highlight being thursday, with 3 appointments scheduled within a 2 hour time span!) and way too few naps for my body's happiness. they're all mailed now, and hopefully they'll arrive quick so that i can post them here.
i also got some shopping in (of course), including a trip to ruby dog's last wednesday, their last day. i'd done a "ohmygod, you're closing, must stock up" trip a week or two before, but realized that there were a few supplies i wanted to stock up on (image transfer sheets and blender markers, namely). i thought i'd check out the stuff that she'd put on sale since i was last there, and spend about $60 or so. well! yeah, that didn't happen. i should have known better than to even attempt for a budget! but i got lots of neat stuff, including a whole bunch of stamps, and a stack of vintage labels from the 20s and 30s. my favourite is the snuff label!
and today was the start of the summer sidewalk sale at clipper street, so i went out to langley and bought a bunch of stuff, including ALCOHOL INKS! i've been dying to try them for a while now, but the packs of 3 bottles are $15 each, and i just haven't been able to justify it, cause i knew i'd want all the colours once i got started. the packs were $5 today, and i stocked up on all the colours they had on sale, and got the basic supplies regular price (that was sneaky of them, wasn't it! it worked!).
i've also received some pretty awesome mail, several different zine orders, a few things from etsy, some swap items, and most exciting, a PRESENT from cynthia at big_girlfeet! as i mentioned in my last post, she had a giveaway for her blogaversary, and i was one of the lucky winners!
she sent me a bunch of goodies (click on the pics to see the full thing, blogspot cuts them off!)

a mix cd full of yummy music (it's awesome for crafting to!), and a few yummy teabags.....
and this fabulous handmade reusable bag!!

it arrived friday, and i've already used it for two post office trips!
action shot!

i felt very spoiled! thank you ever so much cynthia!
1 comment:
YAY!! You're most welcome!
(I can't believe how long they took to arrive, they must have gone on a packhorse or something....!! :)) )
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