i desperately wanted to try something simple today, with minimal prep, cause i'm lazy! i played around with bleaching some old photos, and they turned out very cool.

closeups of some of my favourites -

didn't they turn out fun? i think my bleach/water mix might have been a bit bleach heavy - i want to try again with a bit less bleach, and i want to try doing some bleach resist techniques as well.
i also played around a bit today with some "through the viewfinder" photography. technically, ttv is simply taking a picture through the viewfinder of another camera, but it seems like most of it is done with fancy vintage cameras (not really fancy, just that i don't have one!) that are top viewing. i wanted to try it, so i pulled out my the polaroid autofocus 660 that i got for practically free a few months ago to try it with. i love it!
my boo boo

i love these girls

i love the ones with the arrows as well!
and of course, how could i resist taking pictures of my bathroom?

they turned out so cool, i can't wait to play more.
i've been listening to this artist a lot lately. her name is sheena grobb, and i went to kindergarten and grade 1 with her big sister becky, and their mom was our teacher one of those years. she's from the same small town that my mom grew up in and my grandma still lives in. i don't have her cd, i'm seriously regretting not buying it last summer when i saw it at the pharmacy with my grandma, but you can listen on her website, and her voice is so lovely. she's playing in squamish in a few weeks, but i think i'll still be recovering from my trip to portland the weekend before, so instead i'm thinking of trying to go see her in brandon mb at the end of august, since the cabin's only about an hour from brandon. we'll see.
Love your pics you have inspired me to try this technique!
thanks! you totally should, it's rather addictive! i posted a bunch more i took the next day!
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