for those of you who don't know, i live in the lower mainland in british columbia, the vancouver area. it's not supposed to snow here in april! it is beautiful though, it's big giant flakes coming down. sofie's at the window trying to catch them all as they fall, so cute!
second of all, dabbled is running a challenge called Make Something Cool Every Day (MSCE) for the month of april. it's along the same lines as Laser Bread's Make Something Cool Every Day flickr set, but just for the month of april, not for the full year! it's pretty flexible, you can do it every weekday, or just on weekends, or jump in the middle, if you missed the beginning, etc. dabbled will have a list of blogs participating, or you can check the dabbled flickr pool for pictures tagged "MSCEApril". and search twitter for #MSCEApril too!
i'm not sure if i'll be able to it, for one because i'm feeling pretty crappy this week, and two because i do a lot of things that are several day projects, needing drying time and such! if you remember, one of my crafty new years resolutions was to be creative every day, which i'm doing really good with (yay me!). however, that's not really completing something every day, i include things like prepwork, cutting fabric, base coats, etc, in that. but i'm going to try!
Heather at Dollar Store Crafts is playing along as well, but has issued a more detailed challenge for herself, every thing she's going to make will be using supplies from the dollar store! you can follow along with her adventures on her blog by clicking the link below.
Thanks for mentioning me and linking to DSC!! Good luck on your challenge!
dear amy! i posted!
and, could you scan that book for me? the altering clothes to make baby clothes one... that would be sweet!
i love ya.
thanks heather! good luck to you too!
angie, yay! i went and commented! i can definitely scan it, i need to find it first though. one day my studio will be clean..... one day... i'd try to look for it ASAP!
I couldn't really tell from your post if you were playing along or not, but I've added you to the list here:
So let me know if that's cool :)
oh, i'm sorry Dot! i am going to play along, so thank you so much for adding me to the list!
i need to do an update post with photos of each day's project, but i've added the few i do have up to the flickr pool. thanks so much for the inspiration!
awesome amy! no rush tho!
i found it yesterday, now i just need to scan it!
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