Sunday, January 20, 2013

Friday/Sunday Felicities!

This weekend has been so full of felicities, i couldn't post on friday and miss them all!

The first felicity is a felicity for me and some of you! my birthday giveaway! it actually worked out super well, everyone got the notebook they liked best.

the first winner was Hueisei, from Malaysia, who blogs at Love It Sew It.
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the second winner was Hadley,who blogs at Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle. Hadley apparently has really good luck!
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the third winner was Heidi, Digital Misfit, who DOESN'T blog at My Hiding Place in Cyberspace, no matter how much you nag her to!
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fourth winner is Carol, who blogs at
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and the fifth winner was Darlene, whose blog isn't linked on her profile, even though i know she has one. jeez Darlene.
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Carol and Darlene have already gotten their notebooks because i delivered them in person, but i'll be e-mailing the other three ASAP.

other felicities?

Yesterday! it was such an awesome day! we had a joint sew-in with FVMQG and VMQG members and it was FABULOUS! i coordinated it, and i'm so glad i did, i've been wanting to connect the two guilds more. we met in Surrey, at the GORGEOUS new City Centre Library, because it was halfway between the two guilds, and it worked out well, once we found enough tables! Carol's blogged about it here with her amazing photos, and again here with a few portraits from the day (that's me!)

another Felicity?

in addition to the fabulousness of hanging out with fellow quilters, i also got spoiled! we exchanged with our partners for the Travel Swap, and my partner was Holly, VMQG's fearless leader. she went with a theme for the items she made me, which was so awesome! she also went way overboard, and made me so many things! i took pictures, but they're all on my camera still, so i'll do a separate post to show them off. i also got to give Holly her main swap item, which i was SO impatient to do! (i'll do a separate post for that too!)

and yet another Felicity?

this morning i went into the city and had brunch at one of my favourite places, with one of my favourite people in the world. we haven't been able to connect as much the past few months, due to various things going on in our lives, so it was especially lovely to see him. i was somehow very with it this morning, full of insightful ideas and suggestions for some reason, and i was super emotional too, i lost count of how many times i teared up over my pancakes! it was just so good to see him and connect.

another Felicity?

after brunch i went to Spool of Thread to get some kona for the Madrona Road challenge, and ran into a few guildies and had a good chat. after they left, i had another great chat with the folks working there. it nice, with lots of enthusiasm for something i love.

and the last Felicity?

Felicity herself! i love Felicity's enthusiasm and happy nature, she's always such a delight to spend time with. does that sound cheesy? it's true! and i love that she hosts the Friday Felicities link up, it's such a good thing. thanks Felicity!

lots of Felicities this week. i'm pleasantly tired....


1 felicity said...

Aw man way to make me tear up on a Monday morning! Thank you thank you thank you Amy! The sew-in was wonderful - thanks so much for organizing it. And for linking up with all your lovely felicities!!

(That I am one of them is very meta, isn't it?)

2 hueisei said...

Thank you so much for choosing me as the winner :D
Looking forward to hear from you !!!! yay!!!!

3 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Fan-felici-tastic!!! Thank you so much Amy, and congrats to the other winners.
Sounds like you have had an amazing few days xxx

4 Poppyprint said...

You're so fun Amy!

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