Wednesday, December 26, 2012

a little Xmas recap

did you all have a good christmas?

if you don't celebrate christmas, did you have a good every-damn-store-except-the-asian-market-is-closed day?

mine was pretty lowkey, just my immediate family. we ate good food, had naps, ate more food, and so on. i did get a couple of fun quilty gifts - two books from my sister and cash from my parents to buy the Lizzy House Pearl Bracelets fq bundle. i ordered that last night, since it was sold out almost everywhere already!

So inspired to sew.... MUST CLEAN FIRST!
(excuse the slightly blurry instagram picture, i'm still figuring this phone out. but hey!! i'm finally on instagram!!

both of the books are super inspiring - Modern Designs for Classic Quilts: 12 Traditionally Inspired Patterns Made New by Kelly Biscopink and Andrea Johnson totally makes me want to dig out my favourite bright prints and get started, and Quilting Line and Color: Techniques and Designs for Abstract Quilts by Yoshiko Jinzenji is giving me a million ideas for directions to take my art quilts.

but i won't! cause i am MASSIVELY behind on everything. the next few weeks will be all about bee blocks and an upcoming swap package.

speaking of swaps, i made this little ornament for the FVMQG december meeting. i had plans to make a bunch, and maybe even do a tutorial, but that obviously didn't happen. maybe next year.

selvedge tree

everyone who wanted to participate brought a handmade ornament, and we hung them on this fabulous fabric tree panel that Lysa brought. there were so many awesome ornaments! i hope someone got a shot of the tree once they were all hung, i was so impressed by the variety.

tree chevron

isn't it cute? i love the chevron it makes!

did you have a good holiday? did you get any quilty goodies? have you entered my birthday giveaway? there's still time!


1 Chandra said...

The ornament is adorable! When I saw it on flickr I thought it was a party hat, which would also be awesome. But maybe I am the only fool who would wear that sort of thing.

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