on Friday, day 3, i made super cool free standing lace wings. aren't they awesome? the pattern is from Urban Threads. i made them pink, to match a skirt, which i didn't actually finish in time.... but they matched my tights just as well!
they're stitched onto washaway stabilizer, and after they stitch out, i rinse them in warm water to disolve the stabilizer. i usually lay fsl out on a towel or wash cloth to absorb the moisture.

each wing takes over an hour to stitch out, and for the first one, i only used one layer of stabilizer, and it wasn't enough, and the stitching got a bit stretched. however, i was not willing to start all over again! after the wings dried, i used the same embroidery thread to hand tack the background and the border together.

i got my sister to pin them on my shirt in position, and then i basted them down by hand. fun! i want to make them in every colour of the rainbow!

(blurry, i know, but shouldn't magic be blurry anyways?)
on saturday, day 4, i made vegan, gluten free rice crispie cake. yum! i can't remember where i saw it, but i read about vegan rice crispie cake a few months ago and got it in my head to make it for a party. i have a lot of friends and aquaintances who are vegan or veggie, so i'm used to that, but gluten free was more intimidating for me (thought it ended up being no problem at all). i didn't actually go to that party (i got my days mixed up and missed it!), but saturday night was a housewarming for many of the same people, so it was a good excuse to use the supplies i bought. i used Nature's Path Brown Rice Crispies, Dandie's Vegan Marshmallows (they totally taste the same!!), Earth Balance vegan buttery spread (that shit is so awesome for baking), and a teensy bit of vanilla, homemade with vanilla beans and vodka. all organic, except for the vodka and vanilla!

i made a couple of little flags to label them. simple but effective.
and today, day 5, i finished a birthday card that i've been working on for the past few days. i've posted before about the fabulous sewing lounge and fabric store that my friends Lili and Henry opened last year. this weekend was Spool of Thread's 1st Birthday! yayy!!!
so i made them a card, and took it in today to deliver it, and picked up fabric for a guild project. and i ate a few mini cupcakes, they were awesome!

the card is a piece of balsa wood painted with jacquarde neopaque paint (i love jacquarde paints, their lumiere line in particular is gorgeous). i sketched out the birthday cake on some scrap paper, and then transferred the outlines to wonder under. i ironed each piece onto a fabric scrap, cut out the shapes, peeled off the backing, and ironed them onto the balsa wood. i added some machine stitching for details and defining, and typed Happy Birthday with my typewriter before stitching down the little piece of vintage graph paper.

and that's my days 3, 4 and 5! i haven't decided what to make tomorrow.... do i work on a larger project, or make something small that i can finish and post pictures of? we'll have to see.
I'm happy to see the birthday card you made for Lili & Henry! I meant to make one, but didn't get around to it, and mine wouldn't have been as great as yours anyway!
I love that card...love love love! Did you stitch with your machine onto the balsa?
You can SEW through balsa wood???? What a great card!
Loved your shirt last night, Amy - most awesome.
I need more info on EB buttery spread for baking...really? Do you just substitute for all butter in recipes and it just works?
aw holly, that's silly! birthday cards are all appreciated, and i'm sure yours would have been fabulous too!
yes, i stitched with my machine! balsa is so lightweight, you can totally sew through it. i actually bought the balsa to machine embroider on, but never got around to it. it'll dull your needle, just like sewing paper, and you don't want to use a super short stitch length, but otherwise, you're good to go!
krista, the earth balance is fabulous for baking. i started using it for vegan sugar cookies, and now i use it in everything. you can buy buttery sticks specifically for baking, but i started using the spread as well because i had it in my fridge anyway, and i didn't want to make a special trip to choices just for the sticks. i use the water displacement method for measuring it, and it seems to work just as well. i miss living in vancouver, it's so much harder to get groceries in surrey!
and by the way, these really are the perfect vegan sugar cookies! http://www.johnandkristie.com/archives/2005/10/perfect_sugar_c.html
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