yay! Sew Mama Sew is facilitating hundreds of giveaways, you definitely have to go check it out! they have three lists, handcrafted items, sewing and knitting supplies, and handcrafted items with supplies. all three lists are organized with giveaways that allow international shipping first, and giveaways that are host country-only shipping second, which is super handy for those of us who aren't in the US.
so what am i giving away? i hinted the other day....

the Central Park Spring Pillow!
the pillow is made of yellow linen and prints from the Moda line Central Park that was designed by Kate Spain.
it measures aprox 16" x 10" and is backed in solid orange Kona cotton.
sooooo... the rules!
* this giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY! yay!
* you must post a comment on this thread to enter.
* the winner will be chosen via random generator, though i'll give you fair warning - if your comment is just something along the lines of "pick me!", the random generator might be chosing a different winner... cause that's boring. i know you're going to hundreds of blogs, but half the fun is looking around a bit!
* you don't have to become a follower or tweet or anything fancy like that to enter (though you could, if you wanted to! or sign up for the handy-dandy e-mail feed!)
* the giveaway closes at 11:59 PST on May 25th
that's it! leave me a comment about something fun... leave a comment about something you've seen here on my blog. leave me a comment about something that you wish more blogs had (like e-mail feeds! is that just me...) tell me what your last project was, link to an awesome tutorial that i might not have seen, tell me what you listen to while you're sewing/quilting/crafting/creating. tell me what you're excited about making next, what awesome book you just read or movie you just saw (i finally saw grey gardens last night!), what new blog you just discovered (i'm loving threadbared lately. gender, politics and FASHION! brilliant!), or what new fabric line you can't wait to order, or what your favourite zine is, and what distro carries it. tell me something that'll make me glad that you stopped by. ;)
good luck!
Yippe International Shipping!! I ♥ this generous giveaway! thx
I am having such a love affair with Central Park! That pillow would look fantastic on my couch :) I have a Doll Quilt on the wall made with Central Park, so they would coordinate perfectly!
i totally love this pillow! :) i'm moving into my first house soon and this pillow would look awesome on my couch! thanks for the chance to win!
Hey Amy, It's Gabrielle! I can't wait to start our quilting bee, you are so talented! I absolutely love the bright sunny colours in this pillow. Come over and check out my giveaway too if you like.
Yellow is my fave color :)
I just took a new job a week ago, I miss my craft time
well hello, amy. thanks for making me slow down and take a look around. i love the crosses on your central park pillow and the vintage look of the patterns. it reminds me a bit of things i've seen on the dutch blog "all the luck in the world."
i'd really love to sew more, but i am currently obsessed with knitting. i want to knit so many sweaters! i do plan on sewing a picnic blanket for summer, though.
That is so cute and I love the colors!
Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win! :)
Wichita, KS
here comes the sun! here comes the sun! I love the colors and vinatge looks of that pillow...would look great in my daughters reading nook!
Before I even saw your beautiful pillow, I read your bio on the left hand side and was thinking, this could be me! And then I scrolled down to your bright sunshine-y happy pillow. So glad I saw the word glitter and clicked! Thanks.
Oooh (yes, that's the actual noise I made when I saw the pillow). Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win it!
My fave line!!!
Sometimes I retreat to my sewing area and close the door just so I can be surrounded by colorful fabric that doesn't whine at me. I even moved my computer there so I can see all that creative goodness out there in blog land without being asked to do something for someone. Great pillow, BTW, some of my favorite colors…..had to say something about that!
This pillow is seriously cute! And it matches my Liberty of London duvet!
I'd love to win this!
I just set up a new sewing blog of mine and I am excited to show the world what I've made :)
rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)
I really hope I win! I absolutely love this pillow!!! The last movie I saw was Rio. It was pretty fun, and my nephew loves the music! :)
That pillow is beautiful! I'm still working on improving my sewing skills, but I keep getting scared to use beautiful fabric in case I mess it up, but I know I can't improve if I don't try...classic catch 22. The easiest way to avoid this conundrum...win a fabulous hand made pillow on a great blog :D
Hi Amy! I love your sunny yellow cushion, thanks for giving us a chance to win :)
Beautiful AND it matches my bedroom! Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize.
sonja greene at very verdant dot com
The cushion is a-do-ra-ble! I would love to have it in my bed... Or in the garden while relaxing on the bench!
Email: 1.yngla@gmail.com
Oooh, I stumbled on this pillow of yours the other day (can't remember how) and loved it... can't believe you're giving it away! As for projects - my most recent was birthday presents for my sister and a niece. Next I need to finish a Christmas (2010, oops!) gift for another niece, then get started on a quilt for my dad.
I'm loving all your fun pillows. The colors and designs are great.
I just love this pillow and the colours are so nice and cheery, just what we need as a remedy for this so far grey spring up here!
i just found this blog: http://sammydvintage.com/ all about thrifting & fashion finds, & thought you might like it too (was going to email it to you anyway!)
I also can't wait to get started on the quilting bee with you, thanks so much again for linking me up on it!
what a beautiful pillow! I would love to put that in my home.
I actually prefer reading my blogs in google reader. I think I might get overwhelmed with email feeds. but that's just me :)
What a happy pillow! Yellow and orange are big hits in my house. For Mother's day, my husband got me two adirondack chairs...one orange and one yellow! How sweet would this pillow look on them?
I just love the colors of the pillow. SO SO cute.
What a sunshiney pillow!
Ooh, that's gorgeous! When I see all that yellow, it makes me think of Tennessee summers. I'm from there but haven't lived there in years (I've lived everywhere from NY to Germany!), and I miss it terribly. Now, if you could make it smell like honeysuckles, I might be forever in love. :P Thanks for the nice giveaway!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! The pillow is beautiful. Such sunny colors, it needs to move to Virginia Beach with me. =) And you can come visit him anytime.
what a wonderful sunshiny pillow!
What a fun pillow! I love it.
Very nice blog and the pillow is gorgeous..would look lovely on my sofa ;) I just finished making a yellow and white skirt for my son's High School graduation!
I love this pillow! Love orange and Central Park! Pick me! You won't have to ship - you can deliver to the next VMQG meeting ... Thank you for the giveaway, Amy!
Comment comment comment!
Love the bright colors!
Holy crap I'm loving this pillow! Love it!! I don't blog much, but I did a few days ago (or was a weeks...) anyway, about some cuff bracelets I made for bike month out of recycled inner tubes and scrap fabric.
dogwoodlane at suddenlink dot net
Love these bright colors!
LOVE the bright fabrics in this! How fun!
super cute!! I'm excited about making mistakes. I'm finally tired of trying to be perfect so I'm embracing the aberrations and moving forward. I wish more blogs talked about the way our feelings are expressed in our creativity--good and bad. in your pillow I see hope (+) and the positive energy of yellow to support that thought!
Cute cute pillow! I just made a bag this weekend using the Tohoku Bag pattern over at IamMommaHearMeRoar blog and it's so cute. Thanks for the giveaway leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com
The pillow is even more gorgeous in person - thank you for giving it away, Amy! I am liking the group The Civil Wars these days - kind of The Frames-ish.
Love that vibrant pillow. It would look really good in my house ;)
Right now I'm having a lot of fun with several different beading projects as well as some plastic canvas projects. I had been planning on having a giveaway this round too but somehow missed the cut off date. "Sigh" Keeping my fingers crossed for next time though.
ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
Nice pillow and it would come just in time to brighten up our new sofa which we have been waiting for for ages. SInce it is simply grey it is in desperate need of some color...
Thank you for the chance to win
dreschermail at gmail.com
What a happy looking pillow. Perfect summer colors. I enjoy sewing but I'm more obsessed with painting and drawing and find myself pulled in that direction. Getting lost in a painting while listening to Moby or Mika is one of my favorite things to do.
loving this darling pillow!! I so need itroche_03@hotmail.com
love the yellow, it totally matches my living room that we just painted!
I'm a dollmaker, you can see my doll babies at www.dreambabydolls.com
I Love that you used the yellow fabrics from the Central Park line. I rarely sew with yellow and yet am always drawn to it. Thanks for the link to Thread Bared. I added it to my Google Reader!
i LOVE this pillow. best giveaway!
Love this pillow! I finally saw Frost/Nixon this weekend and while I was worried it would be slow, it was really good and interesting.
chancyf (at) gmail (d0t) com
So pretty and sunny! It would look excellent on my couch! :) I don't think I have anything interesting to say, so I'll share that the other day I decided to try sorting my fabrics by color. (Which was quite the undertaking because most of it's in bins due to craft room construction.) I've found that I need lots more red, orange and yellow fabric...And being that I'm working on a project of rainbow proportions, I'd better get on that! :)
What a cute pillow! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the pillow!! It's so bright and summery!! I love bright fabrics for making clothes for my little girl. You can't frown with such bright colors around!
My two year old is running around in just a diaper...he loves that!! Is that random enough!! BTW, great giveaway. The pillow is a great shade of yellow and I LOVE orange!
Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous BRIGHT pillow! I love it! I just finished reading "The Union Quilters" by Jennifer Chiaverini and would have loved to hold this pillow while reading it. lol
i am loving this pillow! i've been looking for something bright to go in the bedroom!
How beautiful! Thanks!
Hooray! I could use a cute and bright pillow like this to brighten up my boring black couch. Here's to hoping!
That pillow, um, I love it. I'm really into colors, and lately really into yellooooooooow.
I used to be an art teacher (before I became a stay-at-home-mama to my little Jonathan boy!) and one of my male students, after looking over my outfit for a bit, told me that I wear a lot of colors. I replied with "well they all match don't they?" and he had to agree that, yes, in fact, they did all match. I mean, what kind of art teacher would I be if I didn't wear fun colors?! ;)
I love the pillow. It'd really brighten up my room, which is seems to be necessary this spring in Seattle. I'm working on a bright vintage fabric bag now in an attempt to bring a little color into my day. Thanks! kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Love the colors of the pillow it would brighten up my living room! Great giveaway.
This pillow is perfect for summer. So sunny and colorful. I love to sew but don't have much time as I would like to be able to do it. New follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.
lauri dot rymar at gmail dot com
great pillow!
You got me when I saw vinyl in your name - I am having a small love affair with it at the moment. And your patchwork pillow is in my favourite colour so I linger longer. I love your photograph labeled home home home could be leading anywhere my imagination lets me go. Thoughtful give away post - thanks
Let's see, my last prject was 16 apple cozies (crocheted) for a craft bazaar. I have the habit of watching Frasier DVDs on the big screen while crocheting. :o) Thanks for the chance to win!
ravensrascals at gmail dot com
Okay - something fun - I just saw Spamalot LIVE and it was wonderful! And just to be ready we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail the night before. Yeah - it was a great weekend!!
Wow, gorgeous! Looks like summer!!
I;m really excited for the new Bon Iver album! Perfect to cut fabric out to!
What a beautiful cushion! I'm a beginner with this sewing lark, and am just getting to know my machine. Winning this cushion would inspire me to get to know it better:)
Thanks for getting involved and greetings from windy Ireland.
I love the pillow! It woul dlook perfect in my daughter's room when I am done redecorating it! :o)
Great pillow! My most recent project was a doll, they are totally my new thing and I'm addicted. Clothing wise my latest project was a reversible jacket for a gal at church.
Your pillow is beautiful. The aqua one you made is gorgeous too!. Currently I am working on a baby quilt for a friend.
Great giveaway! I'd be delighted to win!
Right now, I'm feeling inspired to make something based on the Picasso exhibit that is traveling around
beutiful frabric
i love it
This might just be about the happiest pillow I've ever seen! It would make a lovely, lovely addition to our new baby's nursery-in-progress. Hmm, movies. Well, we never seem to watch movies anymore with a 16-month-old and having just moved BUT we watched Black Swan recently, which was interesting...
mama[dot]riser AT gmail[dot]com
That pillow is so wonderful. I love yellows and oranges. I can't wear them....I look crazy. So, I splash color around the house with them. Thanks for the chance.
I'd love to win, thanks for the opportunity.
Wow! That pillow is simply amazing, I love the yellow/orange combo. It looks retro and modern at the same time, kwim. Off to look around...
What a gorgeous pillow. The winner will be one very lucky person to be getting it.
Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. :)
Now, now I'm leaving a comment as to the fabulousness in the right place!
Wow, how bright and sunny is that!?
Great job.
hmmm...what on earth can I tell you? Life seems quite dull. I sew, and am in the middle of a quilt without any discernible pattern because I like a challenge;I just made a doll for my friend's daughter that looks just like her and she named her "Princess Anna"; I just last year learned to appreciate the colors yellow and orange, so your pillow makes me happy. Before that, I was strictly a "blues and greys" gal.
Have a great giveaway.
Great giveaway, I love yellow it is such a happy color. :) I am about to start trying to sew myself some maternity clothes, somehow the las time we moved they got lost or left behind. I don't ever sew for myself so this will be interesting, lol! thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Hi! My name is Nicole and I have to say that is such a beautiful, sunny pillow! I am in awe of people who can quilt like that- I'm still learning, but I hope to get there someday.
I see that you do hand embroidery and I love that, too. And if you like grain elevators, you should visit my hometown, Buffalo, NY :)
Thanks for doing this!
elocin at gmail dot com
Great giveaway and such talent - you should be proud! Thanks bunches!
That pillow would look lovely on my couch!
If I happen to be the lucky winner you can contact me through my blog www.radseams.com/blog
That is an amazing pillow, it sure would brighten up any room.
I've never quilted anything before and I'm just starting to get the itch. I've been looking around for fabric and can't wait to get started!
This pillow is absolutely beautiful. Bright and just smile inducing! Thanks for the chance.
Your pillow is just so gorgeous & summery! I make pillows too out of vintage fabric & sell them in my studio - but haven't made one for myself :) So this would be ideal!
Your pillow is so bright and happy! I recently got an e-book and have been enjoying "The Girl" books (The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo series) as well as "The Highlander" series (by Diana Gabaldon sp?). If you're into reading, you need to definitely check into these. Ill be honest, though, that neither one of them grabbed me with the first book in the series. But I stuck with it, and that second book has totally reeled me in like a fish on a hook! (now, tell me, is that a southern saying, or what?)
I love to sew, and have so many things on my to do list just never enough time. I sometimes think I am addicted to tutorials!! And pillows are on my list, so winning one would be awesome and I could cross it off my list which would be even better
Love the pillow! It's very colorful and bright - perfect for the summer! Thanks for the opportunity!
I LOVE the colors in that pillow - I am homesteading and currently living in a 1974 airstream - and that pillow would go perfectly with the yellows, oranges, and rust colors I've Got going on. Thanks!
I LOVE the Central Park line. I have a charm pack and sometimes I just take them all out and lay them on the floor to look at. Ridiculous? Maybe. But if I had that pillow, maybe I wouldn't have to do that so often.
You have so many fun pillows on your site but this is definitely my favorite! (My initial reaction was, EEEP I love it!) Just became a follower. I like easy to glance at archives or tutorial pages on blogs, keeps me on the site longer looking through past things. Thanks for the chance to win!
This pillow is just wonderful. I am planning in making my bedcover in a orange pallet sometime this summer (if i ever get the time to sew)
LOVE that pillow!! I have recently added yellow to my bedroom color scheme.
What a gorgeous sunny pillow :) Hmmmmm I love the blog "Make it Love it" (makeit-loveit.com). And I have a thousand projects going at once! I'm now working on a red with tiny white polka dots dress for myself, but I don't know if it will be too "loud" for me to wear it without being self-concious!!
Thanks for the chance :)
mtrand2 (at) gmail (dot) com
What a great pillow!!
I've just started sewing and tried to make a shirt first thing. It ended up being massive on me (I thought I measured myself properly and picked the right size. I guess now) and I got frustrated and threw it in a drawer. Now I'm working on hot pads and coasters, and just bought some fabric to start a quilt. I thought I should master flat, square things before working my way up to clothing!
Thanks for the oportunity!
thanks for the sweet give-away!
i wish i could find a tool to organize all these awesome blogs - and not take so much time...there is SOOOO much creativity out there i hate missing it all!!
thanks again!
email in profile or
nicmowat (AT) gmail (dot) com
great colours...I recently went overboard with these colours while making jewelry for my online store...summery and lemony..heee
BTW..plz drop in at my blog http://jewelsofsayuri.blogspot.com/ and participate in my giveaway
wow that's an awesome pillow! i would so love to win.
let's see. it's nice to meet you. i think grey gardens is one of the best films EVER. i appreciate the link to threadbared b/c those are all topics of interest to me. i'm a weird writer chick with an mfa who has one toddler named alice and one baby girl due june 17th who will be named picasso.
hope this is an ok comment for ya. xoxox thanks for the chance to win!
Lovely prize!
Eeeee! This pillow is fabulous! I love Giveaway Day because of the chance it offers to find really awesome artists. I'll admit that I had not seen your blog before, but I'm a follower now. Your profile sold me. :) I think I come across as pretty boring in mine - I'm a closet noncomformist since having babies - but I'm right there with ya. Thanks for taking part in Giveaway Day, and for offering the chance to win something really cool. :)
I love the colours of the pillow, really bright, perfect for summer. I'm currently working on a baby quilt. It's made out of scraps of Sherbert Pips. I was aiming for the no triangle zig zag quilt but sewed my blocks together wrong so its a no triangle no zig zag quilt! Now it's just slightly off set squares (even the squares part is probably pushing it a bit :$
great colours! i love this pillow, thanks for the chance!
Your pillow would go perfectly with my Therapy Quilt... http://moobeardesigns.blogspot.com/2011/04/whats-keeping-me-busy-you-ask-my.html
xo Steph
Love the pillow. I recently read the book "Zen and the Art of Quilting" by Sandra Detrixhe, which gave me a new outlook on making and giving away my quilts.
P. Kelley
This pillow is so bright and cheery! I love it! I'm moving into a new apartment and want to decorate it with lots of bright, bright colors, so this would fit in perfectly! Lately, all I've been doing is production work -- I have a huge art festival coming up on June 4th so I've been getting ready for that. I'm so looking forward to June 5th when I can go back to making just for fun!
Such a cute pillow! I love the yellow :)
This pillow would look fantastic in my living room. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance!
Wow! Wish I could sew as good as you!
Well, a new tutorial I am loving is from Delia Creates for a produce bag made from old t-shirts: http://deliacreates.blogspot.com/2011/05/greeneasy-knit-produce-bag.html
It's amazing and easy!
Random fact: Romania used to be called Dacia before the Romans invaded. :) Yep, I'm a total book nerd.
You have been blogging about some lovely pieces of work. The fabrics you use are so bright and colourful.
Love the pillow, so bright and cheery!! I am going to be making a bunch of pillows from the stuffing of a couch I am getting rid of. Yours would inspire me to make all of mine!!
I find it funny that you would be giving away a central park pillow, when I just wrapped up a Teacher Appreciation Week at my child's school that was New York Themed. Red and yellow everywhere. Thanks for the giveaway.
i love the pillow! yay, for the giveaway day! so many great blogs discovered : )
oh how I love orange, and Kate Spain and Central Park (in New York) and all things quilty!
Wow - the pillow is sooooo gorgeous! I'm so smitten by Kate Spain...and now you! Thanks for the chance.
Yay, I love Central Park! I made a quilt using that line recently. Your blue Central Park pillow is great too.
How do you make the labels for your quilts? Do you have an embroidery machine? Very cool!
I can't wait to get some Ruby. Seriously.
Gorgeous pillow! I'm glad you finally saw Grey Gardens - one of the BEST MOVIES EVER. I was Little Edie for Halloween - only a select few understood the costume, but I swear, it was spot-on. I practiced my East Hamptons accent all night long. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway - I love the bright colors!
Wow! Love the cheery yellow and Central park is the best! how cool!
Really? You prefer the email option? I have it on my blog, but I have no idea if anyone uses it! LOL! I prefer the Google reader option for my reading and I have WAY TOO MANY blogs in there! LOL! This pillow is so amazingly adorable! It is fun and vibrant and pretty much makes me happy! You have some other fun and happy pillows around here, too! I love the one with the banner running across it!!!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
That is a gorgeous pillow! I feel like I really missed the boat on Central Park - it's such a fun line and has great fabrics for both genders. I should have snapped some up when it first came out!
My favourite book is the Time Travellers Wife - have you read it???
love the pillow! I'm looking forward to trying my hand at clothes next. My mil makes awesome stuff and I want to learn
I really need some color in my living room (Seriously...three couches the same puke beige color. Ugh.) and I'd love for this pillow to start something awesome.
I don't know whether or not you knit, but right now I'm working on the Longcat Scarf and I think it's pretty fantastic. ^_^
maerillem at gmail dot com
Beautiful pillow! It would brighten any room in my house for sure! My latest projects have been kid centric - a few things out of the "little things to sew" book and some knitted hats for new babies!
Thanks for sharing!
wow! thanks!
Loving your pillow! the colors are fabulous
tara dot hale at gmail dot com
I would love to win the pillow for my grand daughter, it is the colors she is using in her room
Nothing says spring like yellow and orange. I love the cheery colors in your pillow.
Your pillow is beautiful! I haven't made anything with the Central Park fabric, but every time I see something made with it, I love it. maybe I'll have to actually buy some!
I looked around a bit and I really like all of the bright colors you use. The pillows are great. I have only made one pillow and it's just sitting in the pile of sewing mess even though I finished it months ago. I'm not really sure why...
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a lovely giveaway. I'm now a follower. You seem to have interesting likes. I'm sure that I'll enjoy what you come up with next. I have a LOT of Central Park. I'm hording it because I'm not sure what to make of it. I adore the colors people are putting with it, cuz I would NEVER do that. Wait maybe I should.
I love the brightness of this pillow. It is beautiful.
I really like the teal and central park pillow you did. You have a real talent for designing things so that the prints and colors really shine. this is my first time visiting your blog, but I will be back.
I love this ray of sunshine. I want to win!
thanks for the giveaway! Love those happy colors. I recently discovered Downton Abbey (BBC series) on my Netflix and loved it!
great color choices! The pillow is wonderful!
THis is simply beautiful!
I just saw Bridesmaids and it was the funniest movie I have seen in a long time I highly recommend it!!!!
Pretty pillow. Looking at stuff like this inspires me. :)
I love this color palette. Thanks for the giveaway!
The pillow is gorgeous! The colours in it really pop and stand out
jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com
Have you seen the new Ty Pennington fabric lines? They're as yummy as he is! :D Thanks for the giveaway
what a lovely pillow..the last project i made was a lacy shawl that i knit..it was super fun!..thanks for the giveaway!..raineoc@yahoo.com
You are right about email feeds. I follow folks but tend to not get a chance to read their posts on my google reader... but I do get some posts via email and I love it! I will have to subscribe to yours through email. Just don't spam my email! :) So something funny for you... I am pregnant and was reading your blog while on the phone with my sister... we got off the phone and within the last few minutes I have forgotten what you were even giving away! Pregnancy brain attacks! :) Thanks for doing the giveaway... I look forward to hopefully winning. (hopefully not a boring post!)
What a great pillow. Orange and yellow together always remind me of summertime... like lemonade, margaritas, popsicles and all of those other wonders of summer....
What a pretty pillow! I love yellow. It is so happy. It isn't often that you see pillows that aren't square...I like it!
I love your blog and decided to follow. :)
thank you - it looks awesome
Fate. I tell you, fate. I just changed the colors scheme of my bedroom to greay and yellow, but so far just the comforter on the bed (isn't that where you should always start?) Anyways, The rest is just dreams and lots of work, this pillow would be right at home! Love it! Gorgeous. Thanks for the chance!
kalviene (at) gmail (dot) com
Ummm...GORGEOUS pillow! Lovely work :) I just read a book called The Help...really good. Nice vintage pillowcase apron tute! :)
grl_4_God at hotmail dot com
Ooooh! I love the pillow!! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!
I'm a knitter, and if I'm really careful, I can read while I knit. When that doesn't work, I like to torment my boyfriend with a soundtrack of sad 80s songs. That I sing along to gleefully.
I would love e-mail feeds! I am a teacher, one of my students brought in her fabric and pattern for a shirt. It asked for knit fabric and my student chose a zebra striped satin. She proceeded to tell me how the lady at the fabric shop told her it was the wrong fabric, but she told the sales person that "my teacher will make it work" and today she tried on the finished shirt and we made it work.
Thanks for offering this fun giveaway! My kids have 3 more days of school....I can't wait for it to be summer!!!!
I love the pillow...thanks for the giveaway! I would send it to my daughter in Montana if I won...she just got her first apartment and she would love the colors.
I love the magazine Selvedge...although it takes a while for it to get to the US. I recently finished the Hunger Games Books (three different books)...I loved them although they were not my usual type of book.
WOW!! an amazing pillow and generous giveaway!
phillandlesley at msn.com
Wait...did I read you love grain elevators? Huh?! Ha...nice to "meet" you. I'm TRISH
First: I LOVE the pillow! My favorite colors! Seriously! :)
I almost bought that fabric to make a picnic blanket for DD and husband but settled on a rainbow theme instead.
Something fun to tell you? Ummm, DD will turn 1 in a couple weeks and she decided this weekend she is a toddler not a baby! I am not doing so well with that!
I'm currently in the middle of many different projects. My daughter informed me though that I really need to get back to work on her school backpack. She's 4 and not even IN school yet. Hold your horses there kiddo!
Love this pillow & all the pretty and bright colors! What a fun giveaway! Thanks so much! :-)
Of the few movies that I have watched recently I would recommend 'It's Kind of a Funny Story.' Thanks for the chance to win. stephspitzer at gmail dot com
thanks for the giveaway
I am totally in love with that pillow! I've been enjoying a lot of crochet lately - especially for apparel. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I lvoe this pillow it will look GREAT on my grey couch ! thanks for a chance to win. you do wonderful work!
gorgeous Pillow, I love the bunting pillow that you did it's gorgeous
Well you know I love this pillow! Hmmm - my last project was the fascinator hat for Deana, but I am working on so many things. I wish I could be as focused as you are. You are awesome!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I loves the color ^^
I hope I am the lucky one !
I love to sew and I will make small patchwork project like wrislet, pencil case and also wallet during my free time :)
first off, thank you for opening this contest up internationally!
second, this pillow is gorgeous. i love the yello fabrics, that's my husband't favourite colour so that would chipper him up as well. :)
third and last thing, i'm in love with that bunting pillow you made! now i'm going to go stare at the photos a little longer and see if i'd be able to figure it out myself.
thanks for posting a great giveaway!
OOO! very pretty and bright and cheery. I like pictures on blogs they inspire me!!
Wow - what a great pillow and blog. Enjoyed reading. Your mothers day bag was great - very cute. thanks for a lovely giveaway. I love making pillows but I seem to give them all as gifts! thanks again.
I have a brand new red sofa that needs this cushion! Yes definitely needs it :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
Love the pillow,so lovely colors.
Crochet is my passion so always up to something,it make's me so happy.
Have a lovely day.
What a deliciously bright pillow! I'm knitting this Viking hat lately: http://chileconyarne.com/freebies/viking-hat
I'm doing the adult version, with braids. It's for the family's tacky gift exchange in a few weeks. If I don't finish in time, then I'm going to have my face airbrushed onto a t-shirt. Nothing says "tacky" like my face!
I've not seen much of Kate Spain's fabric in use and this is quite an eye catcher of a pillow, the colour and design's stunning. Something lovely to grace any home. I noticed Kate's designs just recently and really enjoy her use of colour. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
That pillow is to die for, and would look gorgeous on my drabby brown duvet! :) I am a novice sewer, and am in awe of all the beautiful projects I am seeing on blogs today. I am proud of my self when I sew just a little potholder, ha!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Such a sunny and uplifting pillow. LUV yellow!!!!! MY FAV.
This is gorgeous! I love the linen in it! It just adds that bit of texture!
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
Keeping my fingers crossed for this one! I'm going to be following your blog too since you have some cool stuff (and you're a fellow Canadian!)
Have a good day!
I'm working on a quilt for my husband's grandma. Thanks for the giveaway!
The pillow is gorgeous! The colors are wonderful.
I'm really excited to sew up some pants to go with the Baby Surprise Jacket that I knitted for my cousin's baby boy. I have two girls, so it's really fun-and different-to make things for a boy.
Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
My last project is a pair of flannel rag quilts for a set of twins (boy and girl). They are so fun and soft! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!
Super cute!
I would love to enter.
Sk8ter.emily (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love to go to New York some day... When I see your pillow, I feel like it's a sunshine in Central Park ! I'd love to have Central Park coming to me before I manage to go to Central Park !
I'll show you a little love...I love the pillow you're giving away, but the teal pillow made my heart skip a beat!
oooohhh! I love it! Orange is my very favorite color. thanks for the opportunity to win!...and cute blog. Ill be back to visit again soon. :)
What's a zine or a distro? Searching my vocab and not making any matches. Humm I'm excited to work on one of Julie's (Jaybird quilts) new patterns with Max and Wiskers. Can't wait to get started on that during the long weekend :) Thanks for a chance to win something really useful.
That pillow makes me so happy -- I am a fan of Oh, Fransson, as well -- lots of great ideas from her, and you have her colorful eye. Thanks for sharing.
Love this pillow...ya I know...so blah, blah and you asked for something more. I am just just obsessed with that new "Sew Cherry" Riley Blake line by Lori Holt! Have you seen it?? Sew wonderful!
Oh yeah...I just became a follower because I wanted to, not because I had to..so shoot me!
Thanks for the chance!
I'm making hexagons right now with Central Park :P I love this fabric. My hexagons might just turn onto a pillow and this would be a perfect companion for my sewing room!!!
I love the pillow you made for the giveaway but the bag for your Mom is to die for:) I adore the cat print and it is fabulous that the panel had coordinating prints; I need to find panels like that:) Thanks for offering the chance to win the great summery pillow!
love the pillow! love the colors so much!
L O V E !!!! Soooo much!! <3
Thank you for the opportunity to win something so wonderful!!
krencamp(at) gmail (dot) com
My living room is in dire need of this!!! Seriously, it's perfect :)
Love this tutorial, I thought this was the cutest idea: http://www.sarahortega.com/2011/05/diy-fingerprint-jewelry.html
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am in love with yellows and oranges. What a perfect pillow!! I like to sew to the delightful tune of my children being quiet in bed. And maybe a little something on tv in the background...NOT Spongebob or Dora.
Oh, I absolutely love this! Thanks for the giveaway!
Your pillow looks good enough to eat, YUM!!!!!
What a great pillow I promise not to use it in our weekend pillow fight if I win
loving that pillow. thanks for a chance!
i adore central park and i love the cheerfulness of your pillow. thanks for the chance to win.
i love this pillow. I am having fun on this giveaway. i am working on three scrap quilts. i just finished appliquing an apron. love to sew. thanks.
How completely lovely. I love orange and this is beautiful.
Nice job.
Love the pillow. My next project is going to be a yellow and orange quilt!
What a perfectly happy pillow :-)
Came by from your comment on my blog! I, too, love meeting fellow online Canucks. You are right, NO modern quilt guild in Winnipeg yet, but I am THINKING maybe to start one?? There is a Prairie Quilters guild I haven't ever checked out, but I sincerely doubt anything modern shows up there! I see you are in the VMQG- do you know Felicity or Krista?
Nice to meet you!
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