i haven't managed to do any Iron Craft challenges recently, and i need to get cracking on my package for the International Kitchen Goodies Swap. i have several art pieces that i need to work on, and i've been intrigued by a dresden plate quilt along and this bottled rainbows ticker tape quilt along - i don't have time/energy to start them right now, but i want to so badly!
i've kind of been hibernating, recovering from a nasty cold, and trying to minimize fibro flares. playing around with a bit of machine embroidery, working on two aprons for the "Putting On The Ritz" apron challenge at the Sewing and Craft Show that i posted about awhile ago, making some scarves. i finished up a few baby quilts, we had a quilt guild meeting, where we announced the super exciting kona challenge!!!, and we had a guild sew-in day, where i started on a new baby quilt with linens - so many babies recently!
sofie's been helping me with the baby quilt -

and i made cupcakes for a friend's birthday - less exciting vegan ones that were okay - not bad, but not exactly GOOD either, and yummy fancy non-vegan ones that reminded me of my little pony, with the pink icing and pastely stars.

but mostly i've been working on my two aprons, both of which required actual handsewing (i know, i embroider and cross stitch, etc, but i still hate handsewing!). tomorrow i'll go drop them off, and then friday and saturday i'll enjoy the show itself - complete with a meeting some of the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild members!
That Sofie - she's such a good helper when she's not hiding under the bed!
she's been so brave lately! hiding under the bed is more for show than anything else now - as long as you aren't something truly scary, like a broom or a vacuum cleaner, she's out again within 30 seconds.
I hate to hand sew too! I embroidery like mad, but don't ask me to hand stitch anything! I thought I was the only weird one! I'm in good company!
ha, you're definitely not the only one always! if part of a hem starts to come undone, i just rip out the whole damn thing and blindstitch it on the machine!
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