i've been working on lots of small things, ongoing projects, and things that i've forgotten to photograph, but even so, i'm super behind updating.
among others, i realized that i never got around to posting the garland i made back in february!
this was just a simple project, something that i could do while hanging out with friends and watching a movie (whip it - such a fun movie!)

i used a fiskars squeeze punch to cut the scalloped ovals (i love those punches, they're so handy, and they cut so nicely!) out of an old book, and then a cheapy punch to cut hearts out of the scraps. i ran the hearts through my xyron, and then used staZon ink and a makeup sponge to colour them red.

it would've been a lot easier to just cut the hearts out of red paper, but i like to complicate things sometimes. for that matter, it probably would have been easier to run a piece of paper through the xyron, and then punch out the hearts, rather than trying to slide teensy hearts through it, but again, i complicate things!
i stuck the hearts smack dab in the middle of each oval, and then ran them through my sewing machine, leaving a thread chain between each one. easy peasy!
i hung the garlands along my shelves, and they're still up here! i kinda want to make more garlands using different shapes and stuff, but then i'd have to take these ones down, and i haven't been motivated yet.

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