a little while ago i got an AWESOME surprise in the mail! the amazing twiztidblood organized a bunch of craftster members (all folks who've been in ATC swaps that i've organized) and they all got together and sent me ATCs and good wishes! it was SO INCREDIBLE of them. honestly, i was all teary eyed when i opened the envelope, it was such an amazing thing for twiz to organize, and for people to send me their love like that.
twiz sent me multiple goodies, and i actually missed two things in these pics - a note card and a sticker.
she sent me this pretty feathered bird card/page

and this gorgeous koi page/card

and fabulous ephemera, and the ribbon that everything was wrapped in (i was too impatient to take pics while it was all still wrapped!)

that alone would have been an awesome surprise!
but there was also this fabulous ATC from spookshowbaby

(i love that it's a woman LATCH HOOKING! how awesome is that?)
and this beautiful ATC from karin_, who also sent some awesome ephemera along

(aren't the colours fabulous? i love the pink!)
and a whole BUNCH of ATCs from audio-astrophysics!

(such an awesome picture, i love her! she looks so proud of her somewhat creepy muscles!)

(two amazing amazing and truthful quotes!)

(at first glace, it's a pretty card, but when you read the words... ha! i love the contrast!)

(lookit how sassy she is! and those gloves are incredible, i totally want them!)
and a fabulous acrylic card from SewHelpMe

(i love her acrylic cards! and rhinestones always make me happy!)
such an awesome get well/thinking of you package, and it honestly meant so much to me. i have the ATCs in my binder, all on their very own page so that i can look at them all together.
i haven't been on craftster very much lately, and i've been missing it and all the swappers and my mod girls, but i just haven't been able to handle it. i'm having a really hard time focusing and getting things accomplished in general, always feeling like i'm so behind that i'll never catch up, and as much as i love it, craftster's the worst for it. i'm at the point now where i can have ONE focus per day, that's it, whether it's posting here, making a phone call, going to the grocery store, whatever, just ONE thing, or else i get all flustered and overwhelmed and anxious. there are too many aspects to craftster - i get all stressed out about swaps, about mod duties, about keeping up with my swap friends and the mod girls, about actually posting things that i've made, etc, etc. so really the fact that i'm so late posting this is a prime example of why i can't handle craftster right now! it was so so amazing to receive this package full of love, and being told that i'm missed as much as i miss everyone myself.
i'm really glad that i'm finally posting these, i've been feeling really bad about the delay.
in other new, tomorrow is HANDMADE NATION!!!!!!!
i am so so so excited!
i was DETERMINED to make myself something new for it, because it's been oh so long since i've sewn for MYSELF! in addition, i realized that in all the years i've been working with vinyl, i've never made myself a purse. isn't that ridiculous? i've always just received them in swaps, or even, the horror, BOUGHT purses. but i did it!! i made myself a purse! i'll try to get pics up of it soon. and then, because i still had time before my sister came over for help with wedding skirts, i made myself a skirt! two, actually! (i'll only wear one at a time!). i have a huge stack of skirts and dresses waiting to be altered into skirts that fit me, and i managed to make/alter TWO of them today! one was very simple, just chopping off the top and adding elastic, but the other was more complicated and turned out super cute! obviously, sewing was today's focus! i definitely pushed too much, my back is currently screaming at me, but it was really nice to feel like i accomplished something. and now i have a non-boring purse and skirt to wear to the screening!
have i mentioned that i'm really really really excited about the handmade nation screening?!
i'm also really excited that the venue changed, because i was NOT looking forward to driving to the yuppie west side, i'm so happy that it's in east van, which is totally my comfort zone. that worked out really well, now i just need to find my copy of the book!
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