felicity #1?
ohmygod, i'm so glad guild meetings are done for the month! i'm usually the opposite, sad that i have to wait another month before we meet again, but this month has been exhausting. i over-committed myself (surprise!) and have been frantically rushing for days now to get things done before the VMQG meeting, most especially my big Kona Modern Quilts challenge project. i'd actually hoped to have it finished by the FVMQG meeting on november 8th, and didn't even end up finishing it in time for yesterday's VMQG meeting, so that shows you how severely i underestimated the time it would take to quilt it! of course, it didn't help that i had three other challenge projects on the go as well.... so i'm very happy to have a chance to breathe today. i spent most of my afternoon sleeping, and it was wonderful!
felicity #2
thunderstorms! we so rarely get them out here on the west coast, and i miss them so much. we had some truly spectacular thunder and lightning about an hour ago, and it was a treat. HUGE thunder, it was fabulous!
felicity #3
tutorials! i know, i'm SO BEHIND with posting the tutorials for GotCraft? projects, but i've got one ready to go up tonight! two blog posts in one day, who'd've thought it?
felicity #4
VMQG's scrap bag challenge and swap! Felicity's been coordinating this, and i'm super excited! i didn't have time to dig through my stash and put a lot of thought into my selections, so i filled my ziplock with some tone-on-tone rainbow scraps that were towards the top of my scrap pile, and a large chunk of blue linen, cut from the skirt i nabbed off a sale rack in the mall last weekend, that i had out to use for felicity #5. if i'd had the time to plan out my scraps better, i probably would have ended up with the same, to be honest!
the baggie i grabbed was Paul's, and is full of yummy teal and blue prints that i can't wait to play with! in honour of Paul's amazing quilts, i'm pretty sure i'll be doing some improv piecing.
felicity #5
pincushions! VMQG is participating in huge a pincushion swap organized by Kansas City Quilt Guild, and last night was the deadline for bringing in our pincushions. i'd had an idea for my pincushion for ages, and i was DETERMINED to use some of the Liberty lawn scraps that i'd purchased from Ali of Very Berry Handmade's Folksy Shop, but i was so frazzled with everything else that i didn't think i'd get mine finished.
however, when i finally accepted that i wasn't going to finish my challenge project, you know, late yesterday afternoon, i stitched together a pincushion, and threw some stuffing in a bag with matching buttons. i finished my pincushion during the meeting (nice benefit of not being the secretary anymore!), so i still got to participate.
and i finally used some of my Liberty pieces!

it's a bit simpler than my original idea (which was eensy weensy paper piecing), but i've been assured that i don't always have to go overboard (thanks Holly!).

i used two of the vintage buttons that i found on my most recent trip back east, and though the paler liberty prints are totally not my usual colours, i'm happy with it. Krista helpfully pointed out that it's not actually for me... it was a good reminder! one of my favourite things about swaps is the excuse to make stuff that isn't my own style, and this is a great example of that. hopefully it finds a home with someone who loves it!
I'm probably biased but I LOVE your felicities posts!
G said she saw lightning but I pooh-poohed her. OOPS! Mother of the Year here.
I do love liberty and i am thinking your pincushion is awesome. And who else buys skirts just for the linen?
It's a felicity to see you blogging again (twice in one day!). Glad you had some relaxing time after the guild meetings. I needed a rest as well after my 24 hour bag-making extravaganza! I look forward to seeing all the scrap challenge projects that come back in December. I'm sure you'll make something that Paul will love. I'm so happy you had time to make a pincushion for the swap, especially since you spent so much time finding tutorials for all of us. Sometimes simpler and finished is better than complicated and half done. I can't wait to see all the pincushions that our guild receives!
Great pin cushion, it will look perfect when full of pins!
Love thunderstorms too x
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