again, this is a project that i've been planning forever, and just recently got around to doing. now i can't wait to do more!

this was really hard to photograph, but i think you get the idea. the stitching is all done in metallic thread (which is SO much easier to use on vinyl than on fabric!), and the vinyl has a bit of a sheen, so it's a very luminous and sparkly piece.

cool, huh?
Very cool! You do such original work - I never would have thought of this!
Very cool, Amy! You're so creative!
Yes! Very, very cool!
LOVE this!! My guy sings this song all of the time, so it's already stuck in my head. Now I have a lovely image to go along with it.
love it!
i agree with the comment above about you doing things i'd never have thought of :)
thank you everyone! i really love how it worked out, i have a few more planned for the near future as well.
mafiosagirl, i totally had to youtube the video, because i couldn't remember the song itself!
anonymous, imagine a record of accordion music with an embroidered accordion on it..... that would look so amazing - but would it break your heart to see the record destroyed?
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