i know, i know, it's been pretty quiet around here!
i've been feeling pretty crummy, so i haven't been up to a whole lot of crafty stuff.
i also promised my dad that i'd make some cushion covers for his boat, which i really didn't want to do. they're big and awkward and it's tough to control the vinyl pieces, so they make my back and shoulders ache. however, he does lots of things for me, not the least of which fighting with my disability company when i don't have the energy, so i of course said i would. that meant that i felt guilty doing any other sewing, when i should have been making the cushions, but i was totally procrastinating, so i ended up not sewing anything at all! i finally finished them up on friday, and realized i'd procrastinated for over a week, avoiding projects that took less than 2 hours each. totally ridiculous, i know.
i did get a little bit of other sewing done, secrets for friends (that are still in progress) and some sun bonnets for Caring Hearts, since it's that time of the year (though you'd never know it by the weather today!)/
the bonnets are soooo cute. so sweet. i got these two sets of 5 done, and i have more in progress as well.

yellow cotton eyelet

a little bit of elastic in the back

blue cotton eyelet, lined with a cloud patterned poly-cotton blend

i've been doing too much thrifting, and i've been having ridiculously good luck randomly finding things that i'm looking for, and i've also been going through my storage area, sorting out vintage goodies that i no longer need. i'm opening a second etsy shop, and hope to get some fun stuff listed soon!
(it's technically already open - and full of patterns! i'll do an official grand opening sale once i get more listed, but in the meantime - 20% off all patterns when you mention my blog in the note to seller!)
yesterday was father's day here (i assume it's different days in different countries, isn't it? i know mother's day is!)
we had a really nice day. my sister was down in the states for a wedding, but my brother came out and my parents, my brother, and i went out for brunch. later in the afternoon, after much drama, we went out on the new boat.
it was really fun, and was the first time i'd gone out with them. my dad bought a smaller boat last month, and they've all been out on it constantly, but i haven't been feeling up to it.
a few weeks ago my dad found another boat (on ebay, of all places!), and he and my mom road tripped down to utah last weekend to pick it up, so this was the first time we'd gone out on the larger one. we didn't go far at first, but it was really lovely. very VERY bumpy though, and my body was not at all happy. we had to dock to go pick up my brother's girlfriend from the bus stop, so i went home then, after about an hour on the water. i came home and slept, and woke up this morning feeling very very horrid. hopefully it'll pass soonish.
my dad driving the boat

the dash is AWESOME, it looks like an old school video game!

(the boat was made in the 80s, obviously!)
and a few taken just as we left, when we were still going slow enough that i could take pictures - i didn't need to hold on!

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