i've been feeling really awful lately, and i'm super behind on everything. in addition to the usual stuff, i was having a really hard time with my ribs, and i couldn't sit at the computer for more than a few minutes. once that started getting better, i slipped in the snow and fell down the stairs! seriously, just one thing after another these days!
anytime i was able to do stuff (ie, the pain was less), i was frantically working on xmas gifts, so you've been neglected!
i've been sooo sooo tired lately, it feels like i'm sleeping constantly! and then other days, i'm wide awake at 5am, go figure! if i could actually do stuff at 5am, it wouldn't be as bad, but i'm pretty much incoherent that early. i'm definitely not a morning person!
in good news, i sent out a crapload of packages last week, and they've almost all been received. most of the packages were little purchased things that i'd picked up for friends throughout the year, and i was so scrambled that i didn't take pics, but a few of them had a TON of crafted items in them, and they've been received, so i'll be posting pics of all those goodies!
i DID scan a few images that i sent to my friend lori before i mailed them, so i thought i'd share them here. they're both vintage labels, from the 1920s, maybe early 1930s. gorgeous, aren't they?

feel free to swipe them and craft with them, i'd love to see what you make!
Ow! Do get better soon, girl. it's no fun when yopu feel achey and tired all over with the season rolling in. On the other hand, I'm glad you've managed to finish all you need to do!
really great scans, by the way. :)
Oh I love those images!! So adorable!
thank you both! i love them too. the birds one is actually quite small, though you can't tell by my post!
jonette, thanks for the well wishes! my body is super affected by stress, so my health should get better now that it's all over with! (i hope!)
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