Sunday, January 6, 2008

shopping, cleaning and paper crafting

i was so excited by the results of my first carving attempt that on friday, despite my body's best wishes, i went to langley and went to the art store in search of more carving blocks. i got some block, and some ink, and another brayer (cause damned if i can find mine!), and somehow convinced myself to get some liquid latex, cause i've been dying to play with it for a while now! i also had a good conversation with one of the clerks, and got the name of a store in delta that carries silicone in not huge tubs! i really really want to experiment with silicone. but not right now.

and then on saturday a friend came over and helped me clean and organize my studio in the afternoon. we got lots done, though it still looks like a disaster - it's just a more organized disaster!

the cleaning pretty much wore me out, so i haven't gotten much crafting or sewing done this weekend, though i have been working on my inchies.

(whats an inchie? here are some fabulous examples! one, two, three and four.)

i started out trying to make inchies that were JUST paper. i painted, i stamped, i bitched, and i decided i hated my background. i spent ridiculous amounts of time resizing images to fit the inchies, and then i finally accepted the fact that i'm really unable to NOT include fabric or trims in everything i make, and made a few sets with lace.


blogger is cutting off the pics, there are actually 10 of each set. click on them to see the full pic!)

these are still in progress, they're drying, and still need rhinestones. i'll get better shots once they're done (i know the naughty set are very blurry!)

the naughty set are small black and white polkadot scrapbooking paper with white lace and then black lace glued on top.

the nice set are bigger pink and fuscia polkadot scrapbook paper, with pink and fuscia lace glued on.

and then i made these ones, using old microfiche as the backing.
the if you're stout one is an old lane bryant ad, and the mustache one is an old anti-balding ad!
i LOVE the "female lay eggs" lady! she's from an ad for douching, she's telling her daughter how important it is to be "fresh".

the background of all of them is microfiche from a new brunswick newspaper, with a white cardstock square behind them.

i still have two more sets of 10 to do for the swap, but i need to stop doing them right now and focus on my tip-in page that's due to be mailed on friday. i've got lots of ideas floating around in my head, i just need to get my butt in gear!

in other exciting crafty news, i swapped some stuff on etsy! i swapped the cherry wristlet bag for three resin pendants from, the anatomical heart necklace, the red glitter heart necklace, and the virgin mary necklace. i'm super excited!

i also sold one of my crow bags a few days ago, so tommorrow i'll be mailing them off. my etsy shop looks so sad now! i need to make more stuff for it!

1 comment:

1 Aurora said...

Hi--thanks for the link to my fabric inchies! I like your red lace ones here! for some reason, I never thought of making these with only paper and images...maybe because the first ones I saw were in the the Quilting Arts magazine ? Now I;m going to try and create some with my small doodle drawings...

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